The continued presence of a Confederate flag on the grounds of
the South Carolina state Capitol has become a galvanizing cause after nine
people were killed inside a black church on Wednesday.
“There is no stronger symbol than the flag flying,” said Dot Scott,
president of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP. “If there has ever been a time
that it was seriously considered, now is the time.”
The man accused in the killing, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, was
apprehended on Thursday in a vehicle bearing a “Confederate States of America”
license plate. On Saturday, law enforcement authorities said he left a lengthy
manifesto on his Web site detailing how he became enamored with the ideology of
white supremacy.
The flag has become a symbol of cultural identity, primarily for
white southerners, while African American civil rights groups say it represents
the South’s willingness to fight a war in order to preserve slavery. For more pictures of the mourners across the nations just scroll down.
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