Eight-year-old Shina Adegbolu, a basic three pupil of a primary school in Ikotun area of Lagos was taken for treatment at the Igando General Hospital on July 5, 2015. But an observant nurse knew something was wrong as soon as he saw the boy and his injuries.
Shina’s 34-year-old father, Idris, took him for treatment with the complaint that the boy fell down and sustained an injury on his buttocks.
But the nurse tactically separated the boy from his father and asked about the true cause of the extensive sore that had developed on the boy’s buttocks.
Shina quietly explained that he had not been able to sit for about five days since his father gave him a violent beating with a stick for stealing.
The nurse treated the boy but rather than confront the father, she took down his address and phone number and contacted a non-governmental organisation for action on the boy’s case.
When our correspondent tracked down the man, he confirmed the boy’s story even though he tried to play down the impact his beating had on his son.
“I only beat him once because he stole N500. I don’t usually beat him and I was just angry that day. That was why I beat him. The beating did not cause the sore. It was after he could not sit down that his step-mother used warm water to treat the buttocks and a tiny wound there developed into the sore,” Idris told our correspondent.
A subdued, shy and gaunt Shina told our correspondent that he was simply very hungry the day he took the money because his father and step-mother refused to feed him.
“When my father started to look for the money, I returned the N500. But he was angry and beat me till neighbours came to drag me away from him. I could not sit when I went to school and my teacher sent me home when I could not sit to write,” Shina said.
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